7:08pm meeting called to order
Attendance: Lora and Joe Fetzer, Dave Robbins, Sharon Rohm, Dave and Sylvia Anderson, Christine Haslin, Michelle Cox, Pat Icardi, Kim and Jeff Schreiber, Barb Vasil, Donna Ditch, Janet Jenkins, Paula Lindsey, Kent Davis, Mr. C, Lisa Nichols
Zach and Sara Icardi and Kierstin Jenkins presented a thank you to the Music Associates for the new uniforms and for everything we do for them.
Financial Report given by Paula Lindsey:
- Cavalcade estimate of profit is approximately $8,700.
- Fair profit approximately $6,000
- Disney trip money still needs to come in to commit to them going.
- Pop left over from Cavalcade needs to be returned. 22 cases @ $17 to return.
- Sam’s club and GFS (both around $600) bills total around $1,200.
- Changing banks to First Merit; PNC charges for depositing money over $5,000 which resulted in an $11 monthly fee.
- Harris family collection is around $380
- Lora Fetzer motioned to accept report, Dave Robbins seconded.
Meeting Minutes from the August 2010 meeting read by Donna Ditch. No discussion. Janet Jenkins motioned to accept minutes, Lora Fetzer seconded.
Disney trip:
- 52 people signed up for Disney so far
- C. will call all families asking for a commitment on going. Need to try and fill up 2 busses.
- Having everyone wear the green fluorescent shirts worked very well.
- Some of the baskets had weak sales.
- Suggestion for next year; selling food tickets to the other bands so we know how much food to have and also make some money on the sales.
- Handicapped parking was lacking. Need to rope off more spots for next year.
- Workers should park near the band room and stay away from the parking near the gates.
- More instructions needed for new people working in the concessions.
- It was suggested to give specific jobs in the concessions instead of having people working multiple stations. Hand out specific tasks and jobs and provide instructions on what to do at the job.
- Front gate needs a list of workers so they can direct them to where they need to go.
- Another suggestion for concessions; 1 person to check the people in, 2 people to assist with the stations and provide instructions on who is coming in to work.
- Having non marchers as the press box runners worked great this year!
- A thank you note needs to be sent to Clearwater as a thank you for donating the water jugs at the band gate.
- Concessions need pizza warmers.
Upcoming events:
- 9/18 Louisville Band Competition
- 9/24 Chicken BBQ before the football game
- 10/2 Revere Band Competition
- 10/8 Chicken BBQ before the football game
- New uniforms, hat boxes, garment bags are all in. They were ordered at a good time; funding is going back up now. Funds are building up very nicely.
- Mattress Sale; do it again next year?
- Cash Cow; going well again this year
New business:
- Lora said we have enough cookies for next weeks game, but will need to make calls for the rest of the home games.
- Meal before stadium review; pulled pork dinner; or creamed chicken; will also offer vegetarian meals; sell meals at low cost; funds go for general fund with 10% going to the uniform fund.
- Chicken BBQ dinner; pulled pork needs to be purchased at another place; received some negative comments about the pork; no 9/24 but will do it 10/8 before homecoming; sold 85 dinners; profit $300 approximately.
Mr. C updates:
- 89 5th graders in band this year in Elementary
- $200-$350 for Jim Carrey to come in and assist with elementary percussion.
- 9/18 Sat 2:15 need to be here; kids will get lunch; scheduled to perform at 7:15
- 9/24 Senior night
- Kids need to give at least $150 to reserve their Disney bus seat.
- Disney chaperones should be paying right along with the kids
- $575 for students; chaperones price to be determined.
8:20pm meeting adjourned; Lora Fetzer motioned, Dave Robbins seconded.
Next meeting is MONDAY OCTOBER 11, 2010 at 7:00pm