7:05pm meeting called to order
Attendance: Lora and Joe Fetzer, Pat Icardi, Sharon Rohm, Christine Haslem, Nick Kacinari, Kent Davis, Michelle Cox, Kathy Kindall, Janet Jenkins, Donna Ditch, Lisa Nichols, Dave and Sylvia Anderson, Andy Dahl, Jeff Schreiber.
Meeting Minutes read by Donna Ditch, motion to accept minutes given by Nick Kacinari, seconded by Christine Haslem
Financial Report read by Donna Ditch,
- CIF account was zeroed out. We can take it off as a line item now
- Monthly shortfall was $1,053.80
- Concessions from musical $715.25 approximately
- Motion to accept minutes given by Andy Dahl, seconded by Janet Jenkins
Vocal updates:
- Performing at Arts Expo this weekend
- May 17th concert
Upcoming Dates:
- Jazz Band playing 7:15pm
- HS band concert on 5/10
- Bands in the Round 9th grade and 8th grade May 12 6:30pm
- Auction 5/14 6:30pm
- Cedar Point 5/14 Jazz band
- Parades for Memorial Day 5/30; Middle School at Lodi, High School at Westfield and Seville
Old Business:
- Malley’s order is in (4/11) total sales was over $3,000 ($1,000 net); online orders still accepting for another week 4/18; HS $529 ($174 net); MS $2,206 ($728 net); Vocal $43 ($14 net)
Auction update:
- at HS or MS
- $12-13 for meal; presale tickets
- MS jazz band playing
- Open 5:00, dinner at 6:00
- Gift certificates and baskets; live auction tickets;
- Still accepting donations for auction;
Rally in the Alley: July 15; $1000 profit; need 30-35 volunteers;
Fair: application sent in; no one opposed to doing the fair
Cavalcade committee: need to appoint chairperson for this committee; committee will start up soon; needs volunteers for the committee
Other Business:
- Pay to play fees; Joe establishing pay to play committee to brainstorm ideas
- Tent rentals; need volunteers to set up tents;
- 12 x 14 tent purchase (2);
8:10pm Meeting adjourned; motion to adjourn given by Dave Robbins, seconded by Nick Kacinari