Meeting Minutes from January 9, 2023
Attended: Andrew Winter, Mark Winrod, Paula Winrod, Dave Drogell, Jason Popiel and April Percy Meeting called to order: 7:13 p.m.
Meeting Minutes for December 12, 2022: Reviewed, approved
Financial Report:
* Financial Statement of Activity by Class from October 1, 2022 – January 9, 2023 was provided, Separate Statement for Winter Concessions also provided
* Motion to approve made by Jason Popiel, seconded by Paula Winrod; motion carried
Music Director’s Report:
* Looking for new drivers for truck/trailer, Jason Popiel made a recommendation
* Discussed need to start planning Florida trip ’24, Mrs. Leonard is planning for choir to attend * Great Winter Concert – Mr. Winter thanked Mr. Favalon for handling it
* Mr. Winter requested $100.00 Honors Band Fee be paid for 8th Graders on behalf of Mr. Favalon * Upcoming Concerts: March 2, 2023 for High School Bands, March 8, 2023 for Middle School
* April Percy gave an update on Winter Concessions – dividing up by sections has helped some, direct email campaign in place of Charms emails also helping some, most nights have several volunteers, fixed switch on hot dog roller, replaced cord on pop cooler
* Mr. Winter was looking for a fundraiser for 8th graders and Jazz Band for to help cover some of the costs of upcoming (May) Cedar Point trip, and H.S. Band members for Florida trip ’24 – April Percy suggested Malley’s Candy Bars since Malley’s no longer does the Easter fundraiser, 100% profit to student accounts
Old Business:
* Discussed missing receipts – most turned in
* Truck/Trailer Tags need renewed
* Need to add any new drivers for the CMA truck to insurance
New Business:
* Concessions for Spring Musical for 3/16, 3/17 & 3/18 (2 shows)
Meeting Adjourned: Motion to Adjourn at 8:14 p.m. by April Percy, seconded by Jason Popiel; motion carried
Next Meeting: Monday, March 13, 2023