7:00pm meeting called to order


Attendance; Lora Fetzer, Crystal James, Mr.C., Kent Davis, Sharon Rohm, Carol Robbins, Janet Jenkins, Jeff Schreiber, Donna Ditch, Pat Icardi, Michelle Cox, Dave and Sylvia Anderson.


Meeting Minutes: read by Donna Ditch. Motion to accept minutes by Lora Fetzer, 2nded by Crystal James.


Financial Report:  Paula absent; Jeff gave this update- Purchase order received from Stanbury and sent over to the school for payment.


Discussed Mr. Timm’s invitation to do concessions for the Swing Choir corn hole tournament on 4/29.


Website transition still on target; Brian works on it as time permits.


Mr C Updates:

  • End of year schedule posted
  • Field commander tryout information posted
  • Cleveland Youth Symphony tryouts on May 12 at the band room
  • Disney Florida trip; planning for end of second trimester- March 3,4, 5, 6, 7- leave wed last day of finals. Approx $550
  • Raised a concern about parent involvement- need to increase volunteers to assist with fundraising and working at the fundraisers
  • Interviews with percussion instructors next week


- Malley’s candy sales total sales $5673, profit is about a third of the sales.

- Mattress sale- need kids to hand out flyers this week and stand with signs at major intersections on Saturday.

- Rally in the Alley; July 9- guaranteed $1000 profit minimum

- Ice Cream Social in Medina- dates to be determined.

- Buehlers hot dog sale- Kim looking into possible dates.

- May 6th concert- cookies and punch will be served after the concert to encourage new parents to become involved.

- Auction- Buehlers donation. Laura writing Thank You letters.

- Uniform cleaning- Crystal- Brown Cleaners- Got prices for uniform cleaning.


7:55pm meeting adjourned; Lora Fetzer motioned to adjourn, Janet Jenkins 2nded.