7:00pm meeting called to order
Barb Vasil, Donna Ditch, Dave & Sylvia Anderson, Joe & Lora Fetzer, Dave Robbins, Kathy Kindall, Kent Davis, Sharon Rohm, Pat Icardi, Michelle Cox, Paula Lindsay, Jeff & Kim Schreiber, Mr. C, Crystal James.
June 10 new parent meeting was well attended. Lots of new faces attended the meeting.
Meeting minutes were read by Donna Ditch. Lora Fetzer motioned to accept minutes and Michelle Cox 2nded.
Mr. C Updates:
- June practice went good. Pretty good attendance at the practice.
- C brought up an issue where negative comments about a parent has gotten back to that parent, and now we are in danger of losing that parent and their involvement. Parents need to keep their comments to themselves.
- Getting some bands for Cavalcade already.
- Uniforms- donate them to another school that needs them?? Still need to discuss.
- Schedule all set for practices, etc.
- C announced that he is the new Elementary band director for the 5th and 6th grade.
- Missy Stroup is the color guard instructor for this year- she’s looking for inexpensive flags for this year to help keep the expenses down.
Uniform fund: Now that we’ve purchased new uniforms, we should continue to add money to the uniform fund for future use. Continuing to add money to the uniform fund will allow it to slowly build up over the years so when it comes time to make other purchases in the future the funds will be available. One example of a future purchase may be uniforms for concert band.
- Kent Davis taking over as Webmaster of the Music Associates website. Congratulations Kent!
- Kent is redesigning the site to make it easier to update it.
- Software updates need to occur before the site can be up and running.
- Also created a Facebook page for the Music Associates.
Financial Report:
- Some larger bills coming due for Rally in the Alley, Fair, etc. We need to really be careful of our spending as we have approximately $3200 in the general account right now.
- Motion to accept financial report given by Lora Fetzer, Barb Vasil 2nded.
Ice Cream Social:
- We have to buy ice cream from them for the social at $28 per container- need between 4 – 10 containers.
- Need approximately 40 pies at $3.00 per pie.
- Some other supplies are also still needed so we’re ready for the 18th.
- Volunteers need to report at Medina Square from 6-10pm; North side of square at the brick wall.
Sweet Corn Festival:
- Need tent for the booth at the festival. Since both of our tents are already rented for that weekend discussed possibly purchasing an inexpensive tent or canopy for the event.
- Discussion took place about possibly tabling the event until next year due to other big fundraisers going on this summer (Rally in Alley, Fair, Cavalcade).
- A vote was taken whether we should even do the Corn Festival this year:
- In Favor: 1
- Not in Favor: Majority of the people in attendance (note; votes not specifically counted)
New Business:
- Meeting for Cavalcade volunteers will be held on September 2 at 7pm.
- August 30th is the new elementary band students and parents meeting.
- Need list of volunteers and phone numbers for tent set up and tear down. Kim shared that the list did go around at the new parent meeting held on 6/10.
- Mr C Fundraisers for the kids - Candy every month; car washes this summer.
- Trailer repairs were necessary to keep up with state codes.
- Wreath sales- need to decide by September who will be chairing the event.
- C also brought up that we should consider holding an Amazone event over Christmas break as this would go over well with the kids.
8:14pm meeting adjourned Joe Fetzer motioned, Dave Robbins 2nded.